Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What a Life!

I found this post in my drafts!!!! Apparently it never posted!! So, here you go:

I promised myself that after Gabriella was born I would be much more dedicated about blogging....I've pretty much failed miserably. But I can always start now. Ha. So, here goes nothing. A lot has happened since the last time I typed...The last time I posted, Gabriella was 2 months old....Ean had lost his job...I was still on maternity leave...And it was September 2010. Ha. So, let's catch things up...It's now August 2011...Since January, I've been a stay at home mom...Gabby just turned one...Ean is loving his new job and is about to start his 2nd year of school at Purdue. I couldn't be more proud of him. He works so hard so that I can continue to stay at home with our little girl.

I have to brag about Gabby a little bit...She's been walking now for a month and a half...Now she's starting to run! And tonight....I had a speaking engagement at a college, so my Mom was watching her...So I called to let her know that I was on my way and Gabby wanted to talk to me...Now, in the past, she's never actually talked back when I talk to her...But tonight, when I said "Gabby..." she said, "Momba!" Made my night. That's all for now....I just had to get it out.

Finally, in closing, the Lord has blessed me with a hard working husband that makes it possible to stay home with a beautiful little girl. Thankful doesn't begin to cover it.

Now I HAVE to be more dedicated in blogging. So I will be. Promise!!