Saturday, January 10, 2009

My baby.

So, I didn't sleep well again. I just can't get comfortable...So I'm up. And I'm sitting on the couch with Peyton. I know when we have kids - this is all going to seem silly...But I have to tell you. When he lifts his head from my lap and looks at me with his squinty, happy eyes...and his ears laid back like Marmaduke...My heart just melts! He's such a happy puppy. Even when he does something wrong - he just has this look that he gives's like he's saying, "I'm sorry, Mom...I really am...I looooooooove you." Ha. I'm a dork, I know. Anyway. That's my story. He just makes me so happy. And, like I said, this will all seem dwarfed when we have kids...But for now...Peyton is my baby. He could do just about anything and get away with it as long as he gives me that look...

Check this baby face out...He's such a cuddle bug!

He's hiding...

Can't see me....

Love him.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Just thought I'd post some pictures from the last few days...Here are my boys!

Cooper enjoying his new bed...and cuddling with his duckie...

Peyton stole it for awhile though!

Watchin' his dad play XBox...

"Please Mom...can I have some more?"

My baby...


Well - I survived!! Yay! The surgery went well. Gallbladder is out...And I'm at home recovering. Peyton is at the groomer today - so I miss him. My baby needs to get clean though! I can't wait for him to get home. Anyway. I'm watching The Mighty Ducks right now. Anyone else remember that movie? I used to LOVE this thing when I was little. We rented it at least once a month. Great stuff.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Surgery!! surgery has been moved up from Friday to tomorrow because my pain and nausea have both gotten much worse. I am absolutely miserable - so this is great news!! Anyway. That's really all I have for now. I'm hurting a lot.