Sunday, January 22, 2012

18 Months of Love

As promised, I am attempting to stay current with Gabriella's daily activities...She cracks me up.  She never ceases to amaze me with her curiousity, with her intelligence, with her love.  Here are a few of the things she's doing now:

She is really enjoying Mickey Mouse Clubhouse now.  It is the only thing she actually watches on TV.  She calls it "Mouse" and Mickey is her favorite character now.  She says Daisy, Duck, Woof Woof and of course, Mouse when she sees the characters on the screen.  She can sort of say Minnie, but she's still working on it.  She loves to do the "Hot Dog Dance" at the end of the show and when Mickey says goodbye, Gabby waves and says, "Byebye, Mouse!  Byebye!" It is just precious. 

She has learned several new words - I can't remember all of them, but here are a few:

*Buckle *Hair *Ear *NightNight *Eat *Feet *Sock *Boot *Shoes *Grilled Cheese *Bite *Mommy (Instead of Momma/Momba) *Grace *Bible

Those are the ones I can think of right now.