Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On the Mend

Ean is getting better. :) That's exciting. Work is busy...also a good thing. I'm tired though which is a bad thing. But that's ok. We're already almost halfway through the week!! I have decided that Peyton is the most people like dog I've ever met. He's the biggest baby in the world! Last night he crawled up into the chair with me and wanted me to hold him like a baby. I mean really. :) Of course, I let him...so I suppose that's partially my fault. Oh well. Hmm...what else is going on? Nothing much I suppose. Sometimes I think I have a boring life. But other times I think we're too busy....not sure which is best. I think it's very easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of today and the worries of tomorrow. Sometimes I think we get so worried about what's going on that we forget to LIVE in the moment. And I definitely think that it's too easy to rest in the Lord. I just forget so often that He provides rest for the weary...I think one of my favorite passages...One I need to meditate on more often...is Isaiah 40:31..."But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint." How powerful is that? Wait on the Lord...and HE shall renew our strength. I think I wait on people too much. And that....will always end up in disappointment at some point. It's so much easier said than done though! How often have I put my faith in a person instead of God. Even now! But people will let you down. It's not like they're trying to...they're just human. And to be human is to be flawed. Anyway. Just random thoughts for tonight. Sometimes I just have to write what comes to mind...for no other reason but to get it out of my head. Here are some pictures from yesterday - to further prove that Peyton is goofy. :)

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