Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fun Weekend!

Well, what a weekend! Friday started out fantastic, got a little scary, and then ended wonderfully. The job offer started the day and really got me going! :) But then Mom ended up in the ER, which really threw me. I mean, everything was fine, but still. I don't like the thought of her being in pain or in the ER...scary stuff!! And then we ended up in Kokomo to start Aylah's bday weekend! On the downside, it was my first night away from my amazing hubby. But we survived. And now I'm sitting next to him and wondering how I ended up so blessed. Anyway. Here are some pictures from the weekend! (Most are similar to Shana's) I can't fit many in here, so there will be another post in a moment!

1 comment:

The Sawyers said...

It was a fantastic weekend. I'm so glad you got to come down early and spend a little extra time with us. You're great!!! Aylah loves her auntie melly!

See you soon!!!