Sunday, October 19, 2008

Resting in His Presence

What a great weekend...Spent a lot of time with friends and family this weekend. It was Lori and Shirley's birthday dinner Saturday night. We ate at Grandma's of course. We missed Shana, Mike and Aylah incredibly!! But other than that we had a pretty good time. After that, Ean and I went to Niles Haunted House with Lindsey and David...Great times!! The house wasn't as good as it used to be, but we still had a great time. Then today we had a worship team luncheon which was a blast. I can't tell you how amazing it is to be at a church where you actually feel like you're making a difference...and where you're growing tremendously at the same time. God has truly blessed us for our decision to move to NMC and while it wasn't an easy decision - He is rewarding us in more ways than I can list. I never thought this possible (outside of moving to Kokomo). Literally. It's just amazing. Anyway. I'm exhausted and have another uneasy week ahead of it's time to go read some Word, cuddle with my amazing hubby and get some shut eye!!!

1 comment:

The Sawyers said...

We missed you too! Have a great week-enjoy your days.