Sunday, September 12, 2010

Breastfeeding Comes Natural....Ha.

So my next thought is on breastfeeding. From the time we found out we were expecting going forward, I KNEW I would be breastfeeding. It wasn't even a question for me! Why would I not give my baby exactly what God intended me to give her? Ean and I took the classes, read the books, bought the pump - I was READY. Everyone said it "just comes naturally" so I couldn't wait to get started on the bonding! Gabby was born at 10:35pm on a Monday night. She was exhausted bc of the pitocin and such, so she pretty much slept all night. We tried to feed a couple of times, but she really wouldn't wake up - despite my best efforts of stripping her to her diaper, using a cold wipe, etc. So, the next morning we tried again. She latched on - didn't really hurt - so I was pumped!! Except, then her sugars started crashing. See, I had Gestational Diabetes...So, when Gabby came out, she had too much insulin going on and couldn't regulate her own sugars. They told me they'd give it some time, but if they kept going this direction, we would need to supplement and she'd need an IV. Talk about pressure! So we kept going at breastfeeding. But her sugars kept crashing. All the LC's and breastfeeding gurus warned me about supplementing and said basically that I was a bad mom if I chose to do this. But let me tell you, when the doctors are telling you that your daughter's health is in danger if her sugars don't start to regulate....supplementing is the least of your concerns. So we supplemented using a syringe. Her sugars still dropped, so she ended up with an IV in her head. If I NEVER have to see her go through something like that again, it will be too soon. We continued breastfeeding and eventually her sugars regulated. Now, like I mentioned earlier - she was born on a Monday...We weren't able to go home until Thursday because of her blood sugars. I figured my milk would be in by then or at least shortly after. Boy was I wrong. Friday came...nothing. Saturday came...nothing. Finally on Sunday I started seeing signs of milk. Problem was, on Saturday at Gabby's follow up appointment (because of the sugar problem) she had lost even more weight. She was born at 7.3 and was now down to 6.6. I know, all you breastfeeding supporters out there are saying, "Well, breastfed babies gain slower than formula's no big deal." And I agreed with you. But then came Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Gabby was up EVERY HOUR feeding for a half hour at a time. Mentally, I was ready for this. Physically, I was exhausted. At our next appointment on Tuesday, she was down to 6.5! Finally called a lactation consultant after a short nervous breakdown and after I had convinced myself that I was starving my child. She came to the house, gave me a nipple shield and I thought all our problems were solved! I could TELL Gabby was getting milk. Thank goodness! Well, went to the doctor on Friday and she still hadn't gained any weight. Seriously?!?!? On top of that, she kept fighting the breast. And we hadn't even been using a bottle at this point! By this time, I felt like a failure - like the worst mother on the planet. I mean, what's the deal here! I can't even breastfeed my daughter correctly! I literally spent hours crying. But then I put my big girl panties on and realized I just have to do what's best for Gabriella. And if that means supplementing with formula - then so be it. It was almost 2 weeks after her birth and she wasn't anywhere NEAR where she should be! So, I started pumping, giving that to her in a bottle and then supplementing with formula. This went on for a couple weeks, but after almost a month of only getting 1 ounce per 30 minute session, I quit that too. I know, awful, isn't it? I should be turned in to protective services. But you know what? To all those mom's out there that want to rag on formula feeding....Take a chill pill. It's not always the way mom's want to do it - but when your body doesn't cooperate, you don't have much choice. I still get to gaze into Gabby's big beautiful eyes when she's eating. I still get to stroke her cheek and talk softly to her. And she's finally gaining weight. After almost a month, she made it back to her birth weight. And as for me...I have peace of mind. I tried. I tried hard. But I lost the battle with nature. I'm ok with that. And I'm pretty sure Gabby will be too.


woodmommy said...

It breaks my heart to hear of how people made you feel like you were a bad mom if you didn't breast feed your daughter! It's a beautiful blessing from the Lord to give birth to a child. But a stressful one too! I was concerned about being a good mom too but not because of the breastfeeding- because of being a new mom!
You should NOT be concerned about being a bad mom bc nursing isn't working out! Right after you give birth you need to feel at peace (at least for the most part)once that child comes into the world and be concerned about providing their every need- no matter what it takes!! I do believe breast is MOST cases. BUT I've had friends that have been in your same position. It's more traumatic on the child and on them to try to force breast feeding when it just wasn't working out.
You tried and that means A TON! You are by NO MEANS a bad mommy because it didn't work out!!! Get that thought out of your head!! You are a great mom!
What matters now is how you love that precious angel of yours...stroking her head and cheeks, talking to her, holding her, comforting her, telling her how miraculous, beautiful and amazing she is and how she is just perfect for your family :)
Whether it's feeding her from your body, a bottle or even from food off the is SUPER FULFILLING to know that your child is getting fed and is full.
I believe it is an inherent need for us moms to know that we are taking good care of our children in every way possible. If Jayda and I are both hungry I can fix and feed her food and feel warms my heart AND stomache to know she's fulfilled...
You are taking care of your daughter no matter what, and you are doing a great job.

Melly said...

:) Thank you Sheena - I really appreciate your comment! I know what you mean...It is the most fulfilling thing in the world watching her eat. :) You are definitely an amazing Mom too!!!!! Jayda is a lucky little girl!!